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Posted almost 10 years ago

5 Reasons To use directional signs to sell your houses!

Normal 1402595991 Happy Home Sellers

1-They Drive traffic!

We have all heard the admonitions of using bandit signs: they’re illegal, they get newbies and other wholesalers to call you, it is too much work to put them out, there is no branding etc. However, I’ve always gotten many phone calls from signage. They do generate a lot of traffic especially when in close proximity to major highways and intersections.

2 –They Are More Likely To Be Tolerated

Directional signs, especially when used on weekends, are tolerated by most code enforcement because you are not seen as a business. Businesses have to market regularly but the average homeowner sells a house once every few years. A simple house for sale sign with a directional is usually left alone by other residents and code enforcement.You have to use common sense when placing them.Nailing them to poles or sticking them on the corner of someone’s lawn will bring negative attention so use your better judgment.

3-They Attract More Serious Buyers

Buyers tend to spend time driving the areas that they like.It may be because of convenient access to a highway, or close proximity to a nice shopping center or supermarket.Maybe even a local park that people in the area enjoy.If they like these things in the area they will most likely want to live in the same area.Either way, the more phone calls you get the better you will do.It’s all a numbers game.

4 – Activity Stimulates Confidence

If you have lots of phone calls and showings you will be more confident in your product and your ability to sell it.This confidence will show when talking to more serious buyers and will give you more clout in the negotiating process.Keep in mind that all buyers should be pre-screened.In general the more activity you get the better.I like to use several directional which guide the buyer to the front of the house where I place a flyer box with additional information, pertinent facts about the house, website information, and a phone number.

5-Helps close the generation gap in marketing.

There are many baby boomers out there that are not comfortable gaining information on the internet.Consider your target market.Is your property located in a more mature area of town?Were most houses there built prior to 1970?Internet marketing is still the way most people go for information but, almost everyone these days drives a car!Some of the best advice I have ever received is that it is better to have multiple ways of getting 1 lead than 1 way of getting multiple leads.
