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Posted about 9 years ago

The Analytical Investor's Mission

Welcome to The Analytical Investor's blog!

During the next few weeks and for the foreseeable future, this blog will be posting and sharing articles on how to analyze real estate investments. We'll start with analyzing residential real estate and then move on to multifamily, commercial, and beyond. 

The Mission

The mission of this blog is to serve as a one-stop shop for both beginner and experienced investors to explore analytical techniques (mainly using Excel), discuss recent research, and learn how to become a better number cruncher. 

More Than Just Numbers

Though my focus is on the numbers, it is important to stress that the intangible and interpersonal aspect of the real estate business is still critical to master. Some of the best deals that you'll come across will likely come through relationships built over time. If you are not someone who finds making friends easy, I highly recommend reading the classic How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. And to actually meet people, check out your local Meetups on 

On occasion, I will post about such topics, but again, my goal is not to make you a well-rounded investor, but rather just one that can quickly distinguish between good deals and bad deals. 

Let's Begin! 

In my next post, we'll be talking about the most important part of any quantitative analysis: gathering good information.
