What I've Learned (Good and Bad) From the Various Mentors of My Career

There are so many different phases to the real estate investing life—getting started, establishing your business, scaling up, and being a leader in the industry. Luckily for us, there are people who have already done those things all around us.Real estate mentors can be found anywhere, but why do you need one?Just like life, real estate is all about experience. We can learn over and over again from our own experiences, but why reinvent the wheel? We should be able to learn from others' experiences, as well.I have had many mentors throughout my life that I have learned from. And to be honest, not all of those mentors were positive role models, but I still allowed myself to learn from them.Having a mentor can keep you on track, lend you personal experience, and help you grow as a business and as a person.No matter where you are in your journey, it is all about learning.
What I Learned From My First (Not Quite) Mentor
During part of my journey, my dad introduced me to a gentleman who owned a timber company. His company would basically buy land with trees on it, harvest the timber, and then sell off the land. They did this process over and over again, and this man was a millionaire because of it. I was drawn to his success and wanted to learn from him, but I did not know how to cut down trees or how to operate any of the equipment. I realized though that I still had something to offer him. He needed land with trees, so I could find him land.That is what I did. I worked for this man for a year and half as an independent contractor, driving all over Indiana looking for land and trees for his company while collecting a commission off of the deals I found for him.
Don't Stop Learning and Growing
Like I said before, real estate is all about experience and learning. You do not have to have someone in your life who you have given an official title of mentor, especially when you are getting started. What you need to have are people in your life who you can learn and gain experience from.People, even those who do not know me, contact me every day to be their mentor. I am always more than happy to help people out or point them in the direction of someone who can. I can provide information and content just like so many other people out there, but that is only part of the mentoring process.A mentor should be able to know and understand where you are, what you’re doing, and where you want to go. You want a mentor who wants to invest in you and help you grow.Depending on where you are in your journey, you may need different mentors.I went through a part of my life a few years ago where I thought that I was pretty successful. I was doing a lot of deals and making pretty good money wholesaling properties, so I stopped reaching out for help. I stopped reading books and articles. I bet you can guess what happened. My business stood still.