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Posted over 6 years ago

5 Steps To Creating Your Real Estate Investment Brand

Branding is NOT just a company logo. Branding is NOT just colors and typography. It is NOT only a face of the company or a mascot. However, it is a collective effort in communicating what your company stands for into every element that your consumers hear, feel, see, etc.

This includes the design, messaging aspect, a brand story that your customers can resonate with, your business name, products, initiatives and reputation.

When building your brands’ reputation, you must be consistent with what you are delivering to your customers. Your target audience has to be able to experience a uniformed look and feel. For example, if you’re looking to market your goods and services to prospective motivated sellers, perhaps creating a letter outside of the normal “Yellow Letter” may present a rather different consumer experience. With branding, ideas and results are ongoing, thus having a strong brand is vital for your real estate investment company.

For one, branding improves recognition. A strong brand creates trust, which in turn generates new customers. As small business owners, we must understand how every effort developed through branding has a desired result. And something to note is that creating a relevant brand aids your business’ advertising efforts. So the question you may be thinking to ask is how do you build a brand for your real estate investment company. Well, regardless how small (1-2 person operations) or large (100+ person operations), these branding principles will help your company make its mark in a very competitive industry. 

Here are 5 steps to creating your real estate investment brand.

1. Research Your Target Audience and Your Competitors

Real Estate Investment is a multi-faceted industry. When researching your target audience, it is imperative that you understand why and what you are choosing to communicate your brand to a particular crowd. Researching will not only allow you to gain a better understanding of your target audience, it will also provide great insight about your competitors. Now as for researching your competition, you must understand your value proposition (what makes your brand better) and how do you greatly differ from your competitors. This will later help you immensely when designing your marketing and branding initiatives.

2. Decide What Area(s) To Focus On

Because of the complexities in real estate investing, when you are deciding how to build your brand, you must hone in on one or two specialties to showcase your expertise. For example, one can decide to focus on purchasing discounted properties through a method known as wholesaling. Others may decide to purchase discounted properties through local sheriff sales or auctions. There are real estate investment firms that aim solely on buy and holds, while others seek to pursue fix-and-flips. Keep in mind that as a result of correlating your brand to the areas you decide you focus on, you will inevitably be seen as an expert in your field.

3. Choose Your Business Name and Your Catch Phrase

Once you have researched your target audience, competitors, and industry, and have decided the specialities to focus on, next is to choose a business name that best matches your research and personal desires. When selecting a business name, be sure to determine whether or not the name is legally registered. Begin by doing a local search, then broadening your search with TESS if you wish to have your business' name trademarked.

Read More Here - The Antonio Srado Show

Comments (4)

  1. This is the second article I have read from you, and it's clear you have a knack for marketing.  Great points again, and some I will need to implement! Thank you!

    1. Thanks a lot, Ashley!

      Please let me know if there are any other marketing articles you wish to learn more about! =)

  2. Great informative blog post. I love how you broke down every step into detail and provided examples for things that needed it. My only question is when does one know its time to create their brand?

    1. Ronny, 

      Thanks a ton for reading my post. I am glad that I was able to provide you some information. As for your question, once you understand the market that drives your interests, for example, "I want to pursue the single family, buy-and-hold market in Pennsylvania," is the time you should highly consider starting your personal or company brand.