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Posted about 6 years ago

Win Win Situation, Trust Me, Believe Me, Incredible and Unbelievable

Even before Orange Cheeto attained power with an assist from that pinch faced Russian dictator,  I learned that my BS detector would ping rapidly, whenever I heard the words "To be honest with you" to precede a particular former clients words.  At first I though it was just that fellow.  

He used it all the time, Often it was enhanced: "To be perfectly honest with you" or "To be totally honest with you"

Once one of those was out of his mouth, he would then straightforthly lie his head off. 

He did it so often it became a household joke between my wife and me.  

He would meet directly with the counter party principals, and use that phrasing.  To precede proposals that routinely included "Honestly", "To tell you the truth" "i'm going to straight with you here" etc.  

Can you guess what followed these set up lines? 

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It was almost always:

Image result for bullshit as truth

Another of his favorite phrases was "win-win" situation.

I heard this so often from him, when the proposal he was selling was so obviously 99% slanted in his favor, I knew the counter party could never accept the ridiculous proposal. - Astonishingly, though, many counterparties, though they realized his  "win-win" proposals were unworkable, believed that he believed what he was saying, and would continue negotiating with him over proposals that would otherwise be what are called "non-starters" 

Without actually firing him, I let him become a former client. I learned a lot from the man. Though he is successful in business, he left a lot of damage in his wake.  Now, every time I hear a proposal described as a win-win proposition,  I get the feeling the counterparty mouthing really means "I win, you lose, and that means I win again"
