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Posted over 8 years ago

One Big Change You Can Make TODAY

What is something that you can change today, that will drastically improve your life?

Stop blaming everyone or everything else, and start taking responsibility for everything that happens in your life.

The most successful people in this world understand that we are responsible for what happens to us, they hold themselves accountable. The sooner you begin to take responsibility for EVERYTHING that happens to you, things will only get better. Its easy to blame the traffic for being late, but you could have left earlier. Its easy to blame a buyer for not being qualified, but you could have helped them get qualified. Its easy to blame the weather for a power outage, but you should have a generator. The point is, even things that seem out of your control really aren’t.

Those are examples of excuses. Blaming people/things for whats happening in your life is what weak people do to justify their situations. These people all have a “victim” mentality. Blaming the traffic, the weather, the other person wont change the outcome or the results.

Success is not something that happens to you, it happens because of you.

As you begin to increase your responsibility level, you will increase your ability to find solutions. In order to make good things happen to you, you cant blame, you cant be a victim, you must take responsibility. You must approach life as someone who is acting not being acted upon.

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Comments (2)

  1. Good read

    1. thank you!