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Posted about 9 years ago

The Top 3 Reasons Why Wholesalers Fail

I Won't Be The One

Complimentary Scripts!

You know.. I can't tell you how many times I've heard that one.  I've been in the business nearly 19 years... oh well...

It seems almost cliche' to hear newer Agents and Investors tell me

"I won't be the one that fails.  I'm gonna make it. No matter what it takes! I will not stop!"

I love seeing the eagerness in their eyes. Oh look just how cute their enthusiasm is!! 

I simply sigh... I wish them the best.  I don't know if its because I am jaded, too old, or know too much about the realities of this business. The cold hard truth is... 

You probably won't.

Probably Not Gonna Be A Featured Post!

You see, the truth about real estate, is that it is ugly.  

It's a rough, and tumble business.  Oh sure, the guru's on late night Television, as well as the speaking circuits all make it seem as though it's nothing but the land of milk and honey.

The sad truth is however, out of every 10 Agents that get into real estate, 8 quit in the first 18 months.  That is an 80% attrition rate!

Of the two that are left, only one remains after 5 years.

What that means is, if you are in real estate longer than five years, you are a rarity!  To see someone with nearly 20 years like myself... even rarer.

Now, if you are a wholesaler, you might be thinking to yourself... "Whew! Thank goodness he's talking about Agents!"

Unfortunately, I've got some bad news for you too.  If Agents drop out like flies, its even worse for the average, untrained, "all alone" wholesaler.   

So what is it that causes this massive abandonment of our goals and dreams?   What are the factors that precipitate this mass exodus from real estate into the waiting arms of MLM?

I believe there are three reasons why most Agents, as well as Investors fail in this business. 

If we can address them, and find solutions for them, then I believe that we will increase your odds of reading another post of mine, or listening to another podcast!

Let's examine them together! 

Reason #1.  They Have No Schedule

You see, in order for you to be massively successful in any area of your life, you must first master what happens during the 168 hours you are given every week. 

One advantage that the "Entrepreneurial Minded" have is that they understand that they are not an employee, they are not an independent contractor, they are Entrepreneurs!

As such, they take positive control over their schedule.  They plan out every week in advance.  They learn powerful techniques to control their time, as well as discipline themselves to follow their schedule. 

The Unsuccessful however, have no plan. They allow circumstances to run their life, instead of their goals driving their dreams!

Don't be this guy Get Skills!

Reason #2.  They Have No Plan

It's true.  You can't get anywhere without a plan.  I'd be willing to bet you've heard about the metaphor about your goals being like a rudder to a ship.

The metaphor being that without a rudder, a ship will be carried about by the current, the tides and weather.  Uncontrolled, it will go nowhere productive and most likely end up aground. 

The idea being that you must have a goal.  That the goals or plans you set for yourself act as a rudder for "ship of business."

The problem is, I see hundreds, if not thousands of agents and wholesalers across the country putting their dreams of freedom in shallow graves covered in death shrouds of pretty, well laid out business plans.

Plans don't mean anything unless they are acted upon.  

Plans require action, and to require action, you must see them.  

Want to know if you will be one of the 8 out of 10 that will bury your dreams this year?

Ask yourself this one question...  Where is your weekly business plan?  

If it's not written... it's not real.

Reason #3.  They Have No Words

Perhaps the most devastating of all the reasons why someone would fail to achieve their real estate dreams is their lack of the words to say.

Nothing will kill your confidence, or your personal power faster than the lack of the right words to say at the right time.

You know what I mean... the "what to say when they say" stuff.

The third biggest reason why Investors, as well as Realtors

Comments (8)

  1. And there's the pitch!

    1. You know... one of the things I've noticed that makes us the most powerful when we sell is when we believe.

      When we believe as salespeople that our solution will solve our customers problems... we cannot help but give them the opportunity to own it.

      Zig Ziglar said that.  I believe it.  That settles it.  

      I believe every single line I wrote.  Is it a pitch for people to take action and not fail?  You bet.  

      Is it a pitch for people to clink links and save their financial lives?  Of course.  That is what content marketing does.  It causes you to think, then take action.

      It is my belief that if we all believed in our services as much as that, and tried our best to help our customers in earnest instead of being afraid of being perceived as a sales person, the world would be a lot better place.

      Thanks for taking the time to read!

      Have a Powerful Sales Day!

  2. Great post, Karl. As always, you tell it like it is.

    1. Thank you! I appreciate you taking the time to read it! If anyone can... you can!

  3. Great post! Definitely one of my biggest mental hurdles has been what to say and you have helped immensely in that area. Thank you Karl. 

    1. Thanks all!  I really appreciate you taking the time to read it!  

      Have a Powerful Sales Day!!

  4. Everyone is in such a rush to purchase a property, they don't take the time to learn the fundamentals. Sales Skills, Time blocking, and lead generation/follow up done consistently will keep heads above water :) 

    1. You bet!  Patience, and skills, mixed with practice equals POWER!