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Posted about 8 years ago

Analysis Paralysis (How You Learn)

I see a trend on BP. I see people asking the same questions over and over. Not different people asking the same question, but the same person asking the exact same question on different forum posts.

If I'm not asking or answering forum questions, I'm trolling the forums daily. I do it because there is always something I can learn from someone else's question and maybe I can be helpful and answer a question. But if you are asking the same question over and over, then maybe your ability to learn through a forum isn't the best. I'm not saying you're stupid, but I'm saying different people learn by different methods. I am a very visual person and if someone shows me how to do something once or twice, then I usually have it and are capable of reproducing it. There are 7 styles of learning and if you're not getting the information to sink in by reading from the forums, then I suggest trying to do a little self reflection first on what style of learning is best for you and then go from there.

The Learning Styles:

Visual (Spatial) - You prefer using pictures, images and spatial understanding. Use mind maps and replace words with images.

Aural (Auditory-Musical) - You prefer using sound and music. Use sound and rhyme. Use rhythm and use a jingle or song to anchor what you need to learn to.

Verbal (Linguistic) - You prefer using words in both speech and writing. Record what you need to learn and play it back to yourself.

Physical (Kinesthetic) - You prefer your body and sense of touch. Use role playing or physical objects. Writing and drawing objects are physical learning techniques.

Solitary (Intrapersonal) - You prefer to work alone or to self study. Modeling is a powerful technique. You drive yourself by the way you see yourself internally.

Social (Interpersonal) - You prefer to learn in groups or with other people. Find a group of people to work with or a mentor.

Logical (Mathematical) - You prefer logic, reasoning and systems. Association often works for you. Move away from analysis paralysis by hanging up a sheet of paper with the words 'Do It Now' written in large letters.

This is a very simple overview of the different learning styles and you could be a combination of multiple styles. Take the time and Google learning and use it to make the most of gaining knowledge on BP so you can move past the learning stage and take action to your first investment property or real estate deal.

Comments (1)

  1. Thanks for sharing your observations, Simon. This does indeed sound like "analysis paralysis". It can be so tempting to get caught up in the acquisition of knowledge because it *feels like* we're taking action... when in reality, we're just spinning our wheels. If any reader thinks they're struggling with analysis paralysis, my best recommendation is this: if you're asking the same questions over and over, that's a signal that there's something blocking your ability to act. Turn your curiosity inward and see if you can detect what the block is and try to break it down into smaller seemingly less-risky steps. Thanks for addressing this very common situation, Simon!