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Posted over 7 years ago

The #1 Excuse People Use To Put Off Their Dreams

It’s a question almost every coach will face at some point or another.

And there’s one excuse that I hear most often from people who say they want to get more clients… make more money… or just start enjoying their life/work balance more.

And it usually starts with “I just need to…”

As in, “I just need to…”

Do a bit more research on the Internet…
Read another book (or take another course), or …
Wait until the day job calms down a bit

There always seems to be just ‘one more thing’ that needs to happen before they get started. It’s so easy to do, and yet it’s so destructive to your real ambitions.

Because the worst thing about using the “I just need to…” excuse is that you’ll be able to use it forever if you really want to. It’s an infinite loop of procrastinating… and doing nothing.

There will always be more research to do.
There will always be another book to read.
Work is never going to calm down.
No window of opportunity is going to magically appear out of the blue in which you’ll be able to miraculously do everything you planned all at once.

The best way to find out if a particular business-building idea works for you is to jump straight in and do it.

Don’t let perfectionism and procrastination hold you back.

You can always adjust and tweak your strategy as you go.

Look at the big tech companies out there. Google, Apple, Microsoft, IBM… any of those. They’re always releasing updates for their products. Always!

If those guys waited until things were “perfect” before launching a product of any kind, they’d never release anything ever again. (And of course, their businesses would die as their “less perfectionist” competitors ate them for lunch!)

Sure, it’s tempting to think you need to wait until you know “everything” before actually putting your toes in the water and starting to swim.

But approaching the task with that kind of attitude means you’ll only get bogged down in the planning stage. You’ll never reach the point where you actually do anything.

So you don’t need to know it all.

You just need to know enough to get the ball rolling.

In fact, you’ll learn “the rest” of what you need to know by taking action. The act of “doing” it will do more for your learning than “planning and thinking” about it ever will.

I’m not saying that you should never plan, because a good plan is important.

Simply, don’t let your fear of trying out your plan stop you from implementing it. There will always be unknowns you have to face when making something happen.

Those unknowns might seem scary (even when they’re really not), but remember that no one — not even me — ever knows absolutely 100% about everything they try to do in life.

You never stop learning!

A good plan will point you in the right direction. But that same good plan is meaningless if you don’t actually take the first steps and ‘just do it’.

So, next time you find yourself saying the words “I just need to…” stop, take a deep breath, and let go of what you were about to say. Take action instead. Stop planning and start doing!

How do you battle this thing we call perfectionism?

I would love to hear from you!


Comments (5)

  1. Edna, Such a great post! I'm guilty of being procrastinating. Your post is so inspiring. I love your attitude "life is just more fun with challenges". Thank you for sharing your great attitude.

    Sheng Peng

  2. Love this post. Specifically because I'm investing and have absolutely no idea what I'm doing.  It's great.  Most of my life has been a series of difficult decisions I ground down to the basics and either jumped right in or sat it out.  I jumped right into real estate and am learning my way to financial freedom. Kept the day job, just in case ;-)

    1. Good for you Jerome! It is the decisions that stretch us that catapult us forward.

  3. Great article.. i think the best way to get over that fear and analysis paralysis is to embrace failure and to enjoy the process, the goal timeline.

    Whenever i set a goal, i know that along the way, i will inevitably fail or face some challenges, but i look at those circumstances as stepping stones to the final destination.  Whenever  i hit a roadblock, i become frustrated but also excited because i have to use my mind to solve the problem. Approaching life in this matter builds resilience and its fun, i mean at the end of the day, how exciting can something be if you reach your goals by going from A to B as opposed to going from A to B to C back to B and then to F just to reach Z.

    1. Totally agree Xavier, life is just more fun with challenges!