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Posted over 5 years ago

Can You Commit Yourself To Yourself?

I always find myself amazed at the number of people who I talk to in real estate investing who are looking for an easier to do it. They are looking for the magic bullet, the quick fix, the magic potion, or the hiding place of a blockbuster deal. Truthfully, if there was an easier way I would be first in line to sell it. 

When I tell people what my schedule is like and how my day begins there is a lot of disbelief or they are just are not willing to want to commit that level of need and want to the day. in truth, that not wanting to commit is just their own level of fear that is getting in their own way. When I get up at five to get a quick workout in, and my day is turned on by six and I am plugged in for the until I am ready to stop and spend the rest of the time with my family, it creates a story for a lot of people and usually that story is based around a level of fear. I cannot get up that early- How do you fill the day like that- How do you crave out that time for family- 

The simple truth of the matter is the ability for all of us to do exists within everybody, and I always ask the exact same question when someone is starts to give me a reason why they cannot, and I ask why they are not opting to optimize their level of greatness? What happens if you took that fear and instead of allowing it to fully consume you, turned into a positive and committed to being a level 10 in all areas of your life with no apologies to anyone or anything. This means you do not care about what anyone thinks or says, and just focused on YOU. Do other people pay your bills? Doubtful, so why should you care if they think you are making too many phone calls? Setting appointments at an amazing clip, or just generally being as ambitious as you can possibly be. 

Clear out the indecisiveness, clear out the weights that are doing nothing but holding you down. Be confident. Feel empowered. Commit to yourself that fear means nothing, and that the battle is in the effort you provide. Make that commitment to yourself and hold yourself to that standard for a long period of time and watch the results that follow. 
