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Pick markets, find deals, analyze and manage properties. Try BiggerPockets PRO.

BRRRR Investing Calculator

  • Evaluate the profitability of a potential fixer-upper property
  • Determine key metrics before and after refinancing a property
  • Estimate potential monthly and annual cash flow
  • Create printable PDFs to show lenders or partners*
  • Plan for unforeseen expenses

*only Pro or Premium members can generate PDF reports

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Don't pay too much for your next rental! Use the BiggerPockets Buy Rehab Rent Refinance Repeat Calculator to keep your math accurate and conservative to maximize your return on investment and increase your chance for success.

Forget the guessing, the ugly spreadsheets, and lists of numbers. The BiggerPockets Buy Rehab Rent Refinance Repeat Calculator was created to simplify how you analyze and visualize your returns on potential fixer-upper properties.

After doing the calculations, print out PDF reports that highlight the strengths of your deal, including the number breakdown, photos of the property, graphs, charts, and more! Use this to give to potential lenders, partners, or buyers.

What Users are Saying

James Vermillion Photo
"I have used many rehab calculators to assist in analyzing potential rehab projects, but the BiggerPockets calculator tops them all. It is a hybrid calculator / report generator which not only calculates the important numbers every investor needs; it also generates a report that is perfect to show lenders, partners or investors. The calculator is user-friendly and can be used for basic calculations or to for more in-depth advanced analysis. Another BP tool for the ages!"
Jason Grote Photo
"With the addition of the Fix and Flip Analysis & Reporting Tool tool, the Pro account with has greatly increased in value. The tool is extremely simple and user-friendly and produces a very professional report that I can take to my money partner and fellow investors. I especially appreciate the ROI calculator and the Profit Table for 45, 90, & 270 days. This is not just another useless internet tool, but a powerful time and energy saver that every Fix n' Flip investor should have in their belt!"