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Archived over 5 years ago


3 bd ba

Rieger Ave, Dallas, TX 75214

Residential SFR

Current Rent **


Projected Rent **


Estimated Cap Rate *

Pro Only

Estimated Cash on Cash ROI *

Pro Only

High End Historic Flip

Historical Home in Munger Place Subdivision!! This is a well known sought after historical area of Dallas, with updated home moving well over 200.00 Asqft on average, with our best comp on 5211 Junius which is 641 sqft smaller selling at 208.00$ Asqft. The Rehab has already been started with the Foundation and roof repaired in 2013, new sewer lines, new electric, and new HVAC installed in 2015 along with minor work in the baths,but we still allotting 100k in rehab to command top dollar once the rehab is done. Call your Networth agent for access and details.

Npo-650,000 Rehab-100,000Price- 420,000


Rieger Ave, Dallas, TX 75214

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* The cap rate and cash on cash return calculations found on BiggerPockets Listings are estimated and designed to be used for informational and educational purposes only, and when used alone, do not constitute investment advice. They assume 3 months worth of expenses and estimate taxes and insurance. BiggerPockets recommends that you seek the advice of a real estate professional before making any type of investment. The results presented may not reflect the actual return of your own investments. BiggerPockets is not responsible for the consequences of any decisions or actions taken in reliance upon or as a result of the information provided by these tools. Furthermore, BiggerPockets is not responsible for any human or mechanical errors or omissions.

** Current rent and projected rent are provided by the lister.

† Rental comps are pulled by looking at property characteristics (beds, baths, structure type), date the rent listing was captured, and proximity to the searched location.

‡ Confidence levels range from low to very high. Confidence is determined by the number of recent and relevant comparable properties for any given search. A very high confidence level indicates a high number of recent and similar rental listings.