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Posted over 4 years ago

Tips for Remembering Things Easily

One’s memory can sometimes be all over the place.

Memory can be like a hot cup of coffee: it is warm one moment and cold the next. But like many things, it can get lost pretty easily, which isn’t something you wouldn’t want to happen when you are at the top of the real estate investing game!

Here are a few tips to help you improve your memory:

Recount the forgotten

What have you forgotten today? Confronting your memory loss has to start somewhere, and it might as well be what you’ve forgotten recently.

And not just today, think back to as far as last week. Maybe you’ve left something unattended, like following up on that contractor handling your roofing repair? Drag out those stored memories...or at least what you can remember and see if there’s anything that comes to mind that you need to urgently take care.

List down before it’s gone

If you’re in an office, you probably have access to a pen and paper in some form or fashion. Even on your own personal desktop, those text programs are just dying to be used in some other way than your next report...take advantage of that!

If you’ve got a task or important matter fresh in your mind, list it down before it fades out into nothing.

Use any of the options listed above or anything of your own making, just make sure it gets listed and that you yourself wrote it down and it’s almost guaranteed you won’t forget.

Have reminders wherever you go

If you’ve listed down important details, that’s actually a great start. But you should also have a way to carry those reminders around with you because you never know when and where you’re going to need them.

Reminders need not be on a written notepad. It can also be in subtle ways that trigger a memory of what you need to remember, such as an etch on a watch you wear, an ornament on your desk, or a sticky note.


When all else fails, it never hurts to keep yourself organized.

Now, it doesn’t mean keeping your desk absolutely neat and clean. All you have to do is to organize your workspace in such a way that you’ll remember where everything is and what you should be doing for the day.

One co-worker’s clutter is another employee’s balance.

Memory is a funny, fuzzy thing, something we rely on in our daily lives.

But for some of us, we don’t have the luxury of keeping track of every detail, especially as we struggle with hectic work schedules.

However, even the forgetful know how to get the job done, with a memory jog and tips like the ones above.
