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Sold about 2 years ago


2 bd 2 ba 1113 sqft

1422 E 6th Avenue , Denver , CO 80218

Residential Townhouse

Current Rent **


Projected Rent **


Estimated Cap Rate *

Pro Only

Estimated Cash on Cash ROI *

Pro Only

2b/2b House Hack in the Best Neighborhood in the City!

This move-in-ready townhome with a can’t-beat location in the COUNTRY CLUB neighborhood is just what you are looking for. Charming and bright with gleaming hardwood floors and numerous renovations abound in this 2-bedroom, 2 bathroom home drenched in Colorado sunshine. The open concept living room and dining room lead into an updated kitchen with a private back patio where you can enjoy a morning coffee or evening barbecue. The main level will also delight you with one large bedroom, a large bathroom with a bright skylight, and stackable laundry. With access to the city at your front door, the new front windows ensure that no street noise will disturb you. The back stairway, which also has a separate entrance convenient for AIRBNB and short-term rentals to offset your mortgage, leads to a downstairs bedroom with exposed brick and a bonus area perfect for an office, lounge area, kitchenette, and so much more that features a newly renovated bathroom. Street parking is available directly in front of the unit, and plenty of street parking along 6th Avenue for guests. NO HOA.

To top it all off, you are conveniently located between Downtown Denver, Cherry Creek, and other iconic neighborhoods just minutes away. Centrally located between Whole Foods Market, Cherry Creek shopping center, theaters, restaurants, and many more are just mere blocks away. View the Matterport tour to see more of this covetable townhome! --LINK:

Call or text Tia @ 720-722-1875 or email [email protected] for more information!


1422 E 6th Avenue , Denver , CO 80218

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* The cap rate and cash on cash return calculations found on BiggerPockets Listings are estimated and designed to be used for informational and educational purposes only, and when used alone, do not constitute investment advice. They assume 3 months worth of expenses and estimate taxes and insurance. BiggerPockets recommends that you seek the advice of a real estate professional before making any type of investment. The results presented may not reflect the actual return of your own investments. BiggerPockets is not responsible for the consequences of any decisions or actions taken in reliance upon or as a result of the information provided by these tools. Furthermore, BiggerPockets is not responsible for any human or mechanical errors or omissions.

** Current rent and projected rent are provided by the lister.

† Rental comps are pulled by looking at property characteristics (beds, baths, structure type), date the rent listing was captured, and proximity to the searched location.

‡ Confidence levels range from low to very high. Confidence is determined by the number of recent and relevant comparable properties for any given search. A very high confidence level indicates a high number of recent and similar rental listings.