I thought I would throw out a topic for discussion....Tell me about the process that you go through to screen tenants.

Bigger pockets just released an article that goes into Wholesaling and how it can become illegal to Wholesale Real Estate in South Carolina.
Here is the link for reference:

Who's your favorite fake guru?
Oh my... this is not an easy question - so many to chose from. From the fake lifestyles, the rented yachts, private jets, Lamborghini's/ Ferrari's, and most of all the fake success. One...

We like the idea that this company caters/markets to investors; however, they denied one of our client's seemingly legit claims and it seems they trying to deny another one on a technicality. The second claim remai...

Receiving a cash out loan on an investment property can be a very confusing item. This post is designed to bring some clarity to taking cash out of a property with a conventional loan and help you navigate the someti...

Hi to all investors out there, hope you have any advise or resource to help me out.About 3 weeks ago I paid about $41,000 to a real estate investing company. After I have paid, their attitude and responsibility promis...

Just wondering if there could be any issues with unknowingly renting to illegal immigrants. As a landlord, are we responsible for inquiring as to their citizenship? Could we get into trouble legally if we don’t?

Hello fellow investors! I began a post a few months ago in regards to a new construction project I will be starting soon and after all the great input I thought it would be nice to start a journal in order to help ne...

What is the plan when tenants can’t work and cannot make rent payments? It has already started for me.

It looks like Clayton Morris' (Morris Invest) House of Cards is finally starting to crumble. This article just came out today.https://www.indystar.com/story/news/2019/03/26/fox-and-friends-clayton-morris-investment-re...