So I posted earlier about trying to evict some dead beat renters. And everything that I have to say today will directly follow my previous posting. But I started a new discussion because of the questions that I have t...

Hello, My name is Neal Richardson, President of Dream Builders 4 Equity ("DB4E"). DB4E is a nonprofit organization that teaches at-risk high school students about real estate investing and development. The students ...
Ugh, so today was a big challenge that, sadly, made me pause and question how the heck I'm going to do real estate with a new baby. I know I can do it... I'M DETERMINED TO! But I need advice. How do others do it? ...

Hi all. How do I deal with this tenant? They live on the first floor of a small ten-unit building. You have to walk up several steps from the ground floor to get there. The laundry room is on ground floor. The laund...