I am currently dealing with some occupants (who are no more than squatters) and getting them out so I can get in and start the rehab has been a daunting process. Typically, I get them out with cash for keys and it is ...

What's everyone doing for lead generation and how's it working for them?

This is more of a curious question. Recently I've had the chance to speak to a couple of the "big hitters" in the mobile home park industry. As I have asked them I want to ask BP.
What are your thoughts on this marke...

Hello everyone!My partner and I are looking into purchasing a multifamily building (6 unit) in Hartford, CT and trying to come up with some creative ways to put the least amount out of pocket into this deal and still ...

Hi all successful direct mailers, I'm finally ready to go through with my first direct mail campaign, and I'm hoping for some second opinions from people who have the experience. I have been going around and around ...

Hey Everyone,
I just got off the phone with a seller of 2 duplexes next door to each other 4units total. C...D area. According to seller excellent condition. They are 4 1/1s and gross income is $2k/month ($500/...

Quick post for the new and aspirational rookies as I am transitioning after my first chapter in REI!1. Beware of "Handyman Specials"1a) On your search for a property to rehab, understand there is a difference between ...

Hello,I am completely burned out on finding deals using bandit signs. I would like to create a system that is more targeted and scalable & have decided to test out direct mail to tax delinquent properties. Tryin...