The other day, I had an interesting conversation with the executive director of the Ohio Department of Commerce. He had called me in response to a complaint I filed against a broker who asked me not to make any offers...

How will the actual crisis impact the real estate market in your opinion?
The fact is that , justified or not, the crisis has already hit many businesses including hospitality & tourism, transportation, financial...

To my sisters and brothers in the real estate biz - I'm considering joining Exp Realty and curious to hear your thoughts - positive and negative - on this company/their approach. On the one hand, the stock options, ag...

I have been involved with flipping properties since early 2000s. First subbing out as a carpenter for several local investors and builders. When the market dropped out in 2008. Everyone I knew including myself we...

Female Property Investors/Landlords. I need your advice. If you are doing this on your own. By that, I mean, no male figure next to you that is your father, boyfriend, husband, brother, cousin. If you have none of the...

It seems that purchasing property in all cash would have the best outcome for investments. The owner would not have a mortgage. The owner would have to pay property taxes. Buying with all cash gives the owner the opti...

I’m a 19 year old freshman in college studying architecture but I’m realizing I’m more interested in the business of buildings and not building them. There’s a real estate program here, but I’d be going 100+ thousand ...

It's not talking this time, though, if you've been paying attention, you know that I've been preaching this message for years... Here's an email from this morning names and locations edited out):Hey Ben - Really enjo...

If you saw the news this morning JOBs report is not as good as anticipated.I dont know about other parts of the country but when I went to a Panda Express to buy MIss Lori some lunch big poster for hiring15.50 an hour...

Hi there, I'm brand new to this site. Can't even believe a resource like BP exists - there is so much valuable information here and such a supportive community. Just trying to wade through it all with the goal of ma...