OK, I have been going it alone attempting to wholesale for about 3 months now and I have not made that first deal yet. I live about five minutes from DCREIA and its "Dean" Sherman Ragland lives in my development on t...

This post is about Joe McCall and his course, coaching, and programs, it will be a detailed review with my own experience being apart of his Course and Programs...
If you were in the same shoes I was when I attended ...

Hi, I'm considering joining a mentoring program run by a successful local wholesaler to help me develop a wholesaling business. In addition to counseling and reinforcement, the mentor would offer me contract forms, ac...

Hello Everyone, I have been having a hard debate with my girlfriend. She just went to a class that gave her the RE Basics. We do not have a house at this point in time, but we want to purchase a house soon. We have li...

Update - Kris Thomas has now really crossed lines here. I was a student in the course and upon realizing their promises were not fulfilled and they were breaching their contract I requested to renegotiate. When my ame...

Here is my list of the most dangerous real estate related investments for the “non professional” investor lacking direct knowledge and experience in these investments 1. Tax liens2. Mortgage notes3. Syndicated real e...

My office received a call from one of his reps today. I thought the pitch was a pie in the sky type of deal. Anyone hear of this guy on Youtube, Grant Cardone? He boasts a half a billion dollar real estate empire ...
Today I see a lot of montelongo, legrand, dc fawcet...They all preach no cash no credit. Let other people do this and that..creative financing. Is this all mumbo jumbo or can it be done? Have any of you done a creativ...