I was able to use it recently on my pc but now it wont work. is there a setting on my browser preventing this?

I wanted to start a forum topic in the local forum for Washington, D.C., but I found I could not. I know we're not a state but please, we are part of the United States. When I hit "Start a Discussion" and go to "Selec...

When I try to do so, there is just a blank screen in the middle that does not allow me to input anything.

If you've had the opportunity to stop by the DASHBOARD, you'll see that we just launched tons of NEW IMPROVED functions!
I'll follow up with some of the changes . . . .

When posters are replying directly to one another there is an "@johnsmith" that precedes the response.
How do you do this? Do you click somewhere?

Tried to sign up for webinar. Entered my number and name to receive text alert numerous times. Never got a confirmation code. Clicked on link for help and got a Cloudflare page which said emails were blocked because J...

Why is it that right after the time has elapsed to edit your post you notice a misspelled word or want to add an additional note or change your comment?
It sure does make one look a little silly or worse like they h...

when I open up the site I can only see the first page of threads it wont auto load anymore.. how do I fix that ?

Hey All -
We just launched a brand new version of our Hard Money Lender directory - http://www.biggerpockets.com/hardmoneylenders - which currently has well over 100 lenders listed in it, and we're still entering new...
Hi, I have been using bigger pockets for a couple of months preparing for my first purchase which I hope will be pretty soon. I love the rental property calculator but the tabs at the top are really frustrating to use...