Who's your favorite fake guru?
Oh my... this is not an easy question - so many to chose from. From the fake lifestyles, the rented yachts, private jets, Lamborghini's/ Ferrari's, and most of all the fake success. One...

I invested in Norada Capital Management and was coming here to connect with others who have invested. Did not receive my payment from Norada this month (June) and just received the following notification in my email....

Hello everyone, I have a family friend that is about to go to college and is very interested in real estate investing and says that will be his future. He asked me what he should major in and I told him business admin...

Happy Holidays! As of today, the House and Senate have sent the GOP Tax Plan to the President to sign into law. I've seen numerous threads popping up about the GOP Tax Bill. I wanted to start a thread to consolidate q...

I have probably a dumb question, so bear with me!I've seen the $100/door evaluation criteria discussed, and cashflow also discussed. I've listened to a few podcasts where people are discussing cashflow with regards to...

I strongly believe whether or not you use debt or don't use debt to buy real estate, it is important to pay off debt that is not related to your RE investments. All of that interest your paying is money that could b...

I have only ever lived in Wisconsin so I do not have a good idea as to how it compares to other places. I know it always seems that the grass is greener in another state but I want to get some sort of consensus.
The first state in the nation to make solar mandatory for new builds starting in 2020 . Pros? Cons?https://www.cnbc.com/2019/02/15/california-solar-p...

While cash flow is great and I strive to cash flow as much as I can, in the long run could this strategy be less profitable than buying & holding in a market that will see high levels of appreciation?I hear folks ...

I'm nearing the end of real estate school and will be taking my state exam in mid-July. I've been reading @Scott Trench's book, Set for Life, and I'm bought into the concepts. The problem I'm having is... figuring out...