Receiving a cash out loan on an investment property can be a very confusing item. This post is designed to bring some clarity to taking cash out of a property with a conventional loan and help you navigate the someti...

Why have you not sold, refinanced, or 1031 exchanged your pricey RE for more cash flow? I did and went from $50,000 cash flow to my current $120,000 cash flow and in 2 months moving to $160,000 cash flow. Would you h...

Hi All,I've recently had someone apply for a 1 bed 1 bath apartment I have for rent. I'm having a hard time deciding if I should accept the application or not and would greatly appreciate any feedback one way or the o...

I am thinking I won't have to wait for more than 1-2 years... Your thoughts?Most of my coworkers, especially those in the early 30s, have bought and have a mortgage that is $10K in monthly PITI... Tough.....Any job lo...

I recently came across a new strategy that I don't quite understand and it sounds too good to be true. The principal is simple. Use your heloc to pay your mortgage and funnel all your funds in and out of it like a che...

How will the actual crisis impact the real estate market in your opinion?
The fact is that , justified or not, the crisis has already hit many businesses including hospitality & tourism, transportation, financial...

One funny thing about people is that while we are almost always well intentioned, we seem to do a lot of things that are just plain crazy. I, for example, still prefer to eat my oranges by dissecting each into their i...

Hey everyone!First, thank you so much for all the support after my recent Podcast episode and the recent BiggerPockets release of the 2nd Editions of The Book on Flipping Houses and The Book on Estimating Rehab Costs....

Hi All! I had to share. Against all conventional advice and wisdom, I've just quit my job. My fiance's job brings enough for us to cover are needed expenses and I have about a year's worth of savings built up on top o...

I'll keep this short. I bought a property from them for $85,000. After I bought it the property appraised for LESS THAN HALF that amount. On top of that they promised a "fully renovated property" - then a few years la...