Hi, I found this site while doing some research. It looks AWESOME. Like the title says I'm a total newbie looking to flip houses. I've always wanted to do it and think it's something I'll really enjoy. Right now, all ...

Hi All,Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm from San Antonio and a newbie to real estate investing. Trying to learn as much as I can and it looks like I found the right website to do that! This is a great site and ...

I am working on a system for completing my first wholesale deals and I need information about processes and paperwork. I understand how to find my prospects and how to market to them. I will have a website and profes...

I came across this website a few months ago and have been getting some great advice from other peoples posts, I figured why not sign up. My goal is to acquire as many multi family properties as possible but I love in ...

I have been doing a lot of research on building direct mail marketing lists and list Criteria. I currently have an active Driving for dollars campaign going using the Deal Machine App. I have about 175 properties in D...

Hi Bigger Pockets, I'm a rental property investor from Colorado Springs, CO. I'm going to be buying properties in Indianapolis, IN and I'm looking to build a team. I'm looking for deal finders (agents, wholesalers),...

What is your opinion? Where would you look or how would you go about doing this? At the very least, we would need to know the differences in location, size, condition and amenities.

I have found two properties that I am interested in. One is a four flex and the next is a duplex. They are roughly the same amount of money to buy. I guess I am stuck on wondering if the small amount of cash flow w...

I am interested in a property in Dallas and have been trying to find out the purchase price of some of the properties surrounding it but have been unsuccessful.What is the best website to find out original purchase pr...

Hello BP community. My name is Kera and I have one rental property looking to expand and grow within the South Tampa market. I currently work full time as a nurse with the goal of partnering with my husband as a REI's...