Here comes an Affordable loan that will change your life for ever, I am Dr. Robert Jack a certified loan lender, I offer loan to individual and public sector that are in need of financial Assistance in a low interest ...

Hello,As a newbie in this area, I am just curious about where people get their materials for a flip or renovation. For example, if you are going to renovate a kitchen( I am talking a complete gut job), where do you g...

Hello,As a newbie in this area, I am just curious about where people get their materials for a flip or renovation. For example, if you are going to renovate a kitchen( I am talking a complete gut job), where do you g...

Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Iowa and Missouri were ranked the most affordable statesHawaii, Washington, D.C., California, Colorado and Oregon are the least affordablePennsylvania is #8https://www.gobankingrates.com/perso...

Many parts of the country are suffering from an affordable housing crisis.
As housing investors, what roles do you play in solving this issue?
What types of approaches have you and/or your communities taken to improv...

As an investor do you want a high or low housing affordability index in your market? For example, HAI in one of the markets I'm looking at is 245 . is this a red flag?

Can anybody recommend a company for affordable flood insurance for a high risk property? I am interested in a property in Rhode Island and the flood insurance premium is going to be a huge factor in whether I d...


Hi BPers, I’m new here. I’m trying to buy a multifamily to househack but coming up short to meet closing costs under a conventional loan.
Is borrowing a couple grand from my 401k to afford closing costs a good idea...

Just wanted to share something with my fellow RE Investors professionals.As we all know, the ACA is mandatory and very expensive if you are paying for it yourself. You can of course choose to pay the fine at the end o...