Does anybody have the property analysis tool available in an Excel spreadsheet? I was thinking of making one myself, but I thought I would check to see if anybody has one first.

So this is a subject that I’m very interested in and I’d love to get everyone’s opinions.What do you think about mandating Finance class for grade school children? I’m not talking about making them take it one year of...

This a topic my family and I have discussed quite a bit and that bugs the hell out of me. Why is it that in schools nowadays we make our children learn 100's of years of history and complex mathematics that few outsid...

Hi, I come from a family where NOBODY invested nor talked about investing so I'm interested in this topic as I have 8 year old. I started teaching him a bit about the essentials of real estate when he was 7. Do you te...

Hello all! I try to teach my kids the importance of investing and show them real life scenarios any chance I can. Does anyone have any recommendations for board games, apps or video games that “accidentally on purpose...

Hello, My name is Neal Richardson, President of Dream Builders 4 Equity ("DB4E"). DB4E is a nonprofit organization that teaches at-risk high school students about real estate investing and development. The students ...

This might be one of the bravest articles I have read in a long time. Without blaming anyone else and taking full responsibility, the author really lays out the plight of the American Middle Class (and himself).https...

What happened to the basic understanding of supply and demand? I didn’t grow up in a financially savvy household, but even as a kid I remember having a distinct awareness and understanding of supply and demand and it...

There is a story I read a few years ago that I believe was written back in the 40's or 50's. It's about managing finances and banks used to hand them out- it was a fictional short story I believe but very basic valuab...

!!! (NOT asking/searching for mentorship through this post. Just looking for information ABOUT your experience with mentorship) !!!Looking into mentorship to help along this journey as I'm fairly new to Real Estate In...