Here's one more proof that stimulus plans aren't really helping the consumers: While commercial loans grew exponentially in 2020-2021, consumer loans have seen a steep decline:
What is more surprising is that I rece...

I was watching television this week and saw a commercial for .9 APR on a vehicle. The next day I saw a Starbucks commercial advertising more credits for reward cards. I don’t watch television much so I don’t know how ...

Payoff student loans and other consumer debt before investing in a house hack or rental properties?

Does anyone know any consumer law attorneys in Indiana? I need a bankruptcy ch7 removed. It has been on my consumer report for 8 years

I’m looking for a hard money lender and was wondering if this would be the right place to ask. I don’t need much I am looking for 35k to purchase a manufactured home on land, the land alone is worth 30K I am willing t...

Does anyone finance their investment properties with residential financing or strictly commercial side?

Up to this point, never had any reason to Contact anyone with Bigger Pockets but, just found out there is no number to call, or do I have this wrong?Problem is; hoping this is just a mis-understanding but, $147 has be...

Hi everyone, I’m looking to see what I can do to resolve a situation I’m in with a service provider I hired to do some work at one of my rental properties. I hired a chimney sweep company to clear a blocked gas f...

Here's a some lengthy, but very interesting and well researched paper on the economy in general. Focused on consumers overall, but a lot of material about housing. If the author is right, we've not seen anything yet...

Does anyone know of any of the direct to consumer sites (like Zillow) that allow users of the platform to give feedback on a listing? I think as rehabbers it would be very beneficial to pole the buyers in your market...