Is there any way to view recorded documents without going to the courthouse and pulling the books? I know about viewing specific documents via the counties court website, but that is for specific cases. If I need to p...

I am fairly new to BP. The main question I have is about searching public records before getting too invested in a property such as a Foreclosure. I have read a lot of information on why we should util...

Some of my recent posts on title searches have sparked a lot of interest, so I decided to put together a simple guide to help those of you looking to conduct your title searches. The goal is to give you a practical wa...

I have a property I own with 2 commercial units on it (A Subway restaurant, which I own, and a dance studio). However, we have probably about an acre and a half in the back that I think would be perfect to develop int...

I have my contracts I want to use for wholesaling written up in google docs, I need to transfer them into fillable pdf’s that I can send to my buyer and seller where they won’t have to access my drive and it will be e...

Just thought I would toss out my top 5 apps that I use on my phone to help with real estate & investing:
Real Estate Calculator - Free app that allows you to quickly analyze the ROI & CAP on a deal an...

Any probate specialists specifically in Pennsylvania looking to mentor? This is a niche that I’d like to explore and I’m willing to help you with your own business in return.
Want financial freedom? We’re not talking about buying yachts, private planes, or million-dollar sports cars. We mean REAL financial freedom. The freedom that lets you work where you want, when you want, and spend tim...

I purchased a beach cottage on the East side of A1A in Palm Beach County Florida back in 2006. When I purchased it the previous owner made a comment that the neighbor built this room addition which was built right on ...

A few questions on one post:I am using the Bigger Pockets lease template for Boise, Idaho, and the wording on talks about the premises but they are only renting a room, do I have to be specific somewhere or is this as...