We have located an owner in town that has many lots we'd like to purchase in a gentrifying area of town. The owner is in the funeral business and I am wondering if an offer from someone looking to develop housing on ...

Pecans in the Cemetery
On the outskirts of a small town, there was a big, old pecan tree just
nside the cemetery fence. One day, two boys filled up a bucketful of
nuts and sat down by the tree, out of sight, and bega...

Hi all, We have been looking through a ton of properties and listing to every book and podcast. I have heard the words war zone constantly and I’m nervous about it because I feel like we might be on the edge. Not on...

Good morning BiggerPockets,
Would love to get your input on how to deal with the following situation.
My tenant for the last 7 months whos lease will expire at end of May next year just called me and told me that on...

Attention Bigger Pockets Landlord Community,I have a tenant in Baton Rouge, LA in a low income subdivision whose daughter (living with her) has been dealing with cancer and was given up on by the medical community and...

There is a SPECTACULAR, massive Gothic style church for sale at an amazing discount and:
* I can probably get it for $100,000 (cash);* It's in the city (semi inner-city) in Harrisburg PA with no parking except on-str...

I had a friend ask last evening if she needs to disclose to prospective tenants that their half of a duplex may be haunted. Not having any experience with this I thought I'd ask BP. She bought it as a rehab and in the...

I am a relatively new but very active newbie to REI. I have purchased my first investment property which I am in the process of flipping right now. I listen to BP Podcast in my car on my commute to and from my 1.5 h...