I was wondering if anyone knew of any Social Media Marketing courses out there that would teach how to market on those platforms from scratch.

Any digital marketing experts out there? What’s the first few things I need to do to set up a digital Marketing Funnel in order to generate leads?

Hi BP,
Looking for reputable sources to get our digital marketing going. Can anyone steer us in the right direction? My wife is a new real estate agent looking for listings and buyers. We are also looking to build o...

Hi BP,Quick background. I live in Atlanta and I am a manager of an ecommerce store. As a digital product manager (wink wink) @Brandon Turner my career revolves around SEO, paid search and website technology. I've been...

How many of you use any type of digital marketing to find homes? What seems to work best for you and what’s the best deal you got from it?

Hi guys,I'm on the digital marketing side of real estate. I wanted to find out where somebody can find a great Digital Marketing For Real Estate course for Digital Marketers who intend to niche into the Real Estate m...

Hey All,I am a digital marketing consultant just breaking into the realm of digital marketing consulting for realtors. Just testing the waters to get an idea as to what everyone is currently doing and the monthly cost...

Hello everyone!
Hope you are staying safe during this unprecedented time.
I am writing today to discuss how to get started in digital marketing for REI? I have a property already (bought from the MLS) and would like...

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) seems to bring up a lot of unknowns to many investors who are interested in building their website and online presence. The push around implementing SEO is to help rank your site so it...

Hello all!I was just trying to get an idea on which forms of marketing are getting the most results. I know in some markets, traditional forms of marketing like bandit signs and direct mail might work really well and ...