Hello I was wondering if somebody could possibly give me a real life example or examples you've done yourself of a lease Option deal and a seller finance deal. Like down payment you put down, sellers asking price, act...
Hello BP, another stupid question that i can't figure it out.I had read about refinance but my brain just cannot seem to calculate the figure that is shown in "Refinance" posts. It would appreciate if someone can give...

Im getting into bird dogging for a fellow biggerpockets.com member but I want to get a house under contract with me as well. I am about to purchase a fax machine here to fax off millions offers but!
I have no idea wh...

I have a property lead, but it is not a good rehab fit, but rather a better fit for a builder to do a tear down and new construction. The owner and I have come to an agreement on price, but I don't want to tie up my m...
Say i have the option to buy a house. so i market that house and find a buyer for it. Once i've met with the buyer and we negotiated on a price. What do i do
Do i get the original seller to sign something
what do the...

I am having trouble understanding a hard money lending example. Everyone I have talked to has recommended it and I have never used this before.
Can someone help explain the basics of how to get to a monthly payment f...

I am trying to model a deal for someone involving a silent equity investor (LP) with a waterfall analysis, I do not have much experience with that type of modeling. The LP is providing 90% of the funds and the Princip...

Hello!I am currently in the process of buying two homes on one parcel, I will live in one and rent the other, after some TLC. Does anyone have examples of straight forward leases? Has anyone used a two year lease with...
Good afternoon BP fam,So i understand and have the outline of what a business plan for real estate investor should be, but could someone show an example or copy a link to an example of a business plan so that i can se...

Anyone want to share their "pitch book" with the public? I'm talking about the 15-page or so pitch deck for your multifamily syndication business that you use to initially show to potential investors to get them excit...