Hello, fellow BiggerPocketeers!Recently we asked you what sort of features you'd like to see on BiggerPockets, and a recurring suggestion was a way to save articles, videos, podcast episodes and forum threads so you c...

Any recommended 'talk to text' apps for Droid smart phones? Looking to draft emails, letters etc. while driving. Thanks in advance.

Hello BP Community!I recently got to come to an agreement with a friend to create a partnership to allow us to more easily invest. I wanted to reach out and ask if a partnership has any unforeseen problems that could ...

We recently got an oral agreement with a cleaner who is experienced cleaning STRs. I am a first time STR owner and we plan to go live in next 4 weeks. but I have not heard anyone on these forums or in podcasts talk ab...

If you buy a duplex for let's say 60k and after fix up it's worth 100k do you charge 1% of its value so 1k a month?

Hi there,I closed on my sixth buy and hold rental recently, and had my first Open House for it this past weekend. Today, I received multiple calls from the next door neighbor, and he is insisting on having a say in t...

Hey BP,I am posting this question in the hopes of being directed to some external websites or other forum posts that I can sift through to better understand not only what the Arizona landlord/tenant bylaws are, but al...

I got this in an email this morning. Thought I'd post it hear everyone's thoughts on it. A quick check of CITGO corporate website shows the company stating that they are indeed solely owned by the Venezuelan governmen...

Hello, It was either Brandon or Josh that mentioned an app on a BP podcast that he uses while driving for dollars. With the app, he is able to use Siri to dictate an address, which is then transcribed into a Google...

Where's the best place to look for/pay for crime data that is granular down to the neighborhood? Signed - an out of state investor noob