If this has happened to you please let me know.
I have not been receiving payments from Zillow that renters at least claim the are making. This happened over a year ago and appears to be happening again. In both ca...

Our attorney has requested the loan origination appraisal to research the title.Neither the note seller or servicer have the appraisal. A document retrieval company is unable to find it. We're trying the homeowner now...

Purchasing triple decker in Boston MA, I'm wondering how can i handle the deposits/lasts funds that are maybe held by the current owner for Section8 owner? In other words, if the current owner claims he never collecte...

I have been looking to place bids on tax deed properties. Has anyone been successful in buying these types of properties? Also, when conducting one's due diligence, what information are you looking on for the house an...
Play Nice or Pay the Price!.
"Don't mislead, don't do taboo and don't you run, with those that do"
ATLANTA – Twelve defendants have been charged in...

2019 Legislative Summary for Common Interest CommunitiesNothing in this document should be considered a legal opinion or legal advice. For clarification on legislative matters, please seek appropriate counsel. AB 31 –...

Hello everyone, my wife and I are considering purchasing a property that has a tenant already occupying the home. The seller is stating that we need to grandfather in the tenant into the lease. We are naturally a bit ...

I know that a lot of newer investors have trouble understanding the rental license process in Philadelphia and what must be done. Below is a step by step process of what you need to do to get a rental license. Once yo...

This is a pretty strange problem....
There has been an ongoing problem in this area with severa heavily populated residential & business areas that were built on top of a WWII munitions testing range. I thought t...
I have lived in my condo for 17 years. The man that owned the condo next door had two adult sons that lived with him. One of them is a known drug dealer and has been arrested many times over the years. He has cause...