Rookie Matt Ryan was looking a little unprepared for the game until the second quarter, now he has his offense fired up. If they go for the th and 1 and make it, they will sock Az in the mouth and I think will take t...

Here is the thread with the spring predictions:
Only two predictions there that came to b...

Anyone else ridiculously excited to be going to Denver the same week that the greatest QB that ever lived will be signing with the Broncos? I gotta imagine the mood in Denver is absolutely giddy! Joshua Dorkin must ...

Update of a football team potential move and it affecting Real Estate in Inglewood, Los Angeles etc.http://www.latimes.com/sports/nfl/la-sp-0105-nfl-la-stadium-20150105-story.html#page=1

Everyone I wanted to check with everyone about doing a meet-up on Sunday Jan 17th at say 2:00 pm. @Gabriel Meerzocould you see about the Sweetwater cafe you mentioned? Please let me know your thoughts, if this is succ...

Another lesson in how egos screw up business relationships.

Hey BP community! I'm Jordan--my wife, Aleah, and I are excited about getting of the ground with some property investments this year! I have played 7 years in the NFL--last 3 years as a Bronco--and since moving here w...

wow what a crazy free agent week.... glad my eagles went wild.... i am glad football is back... lets here all you thoughts