Don’t let a rental eat your seed corn:Jimmy Napier was one of my teachers. He’s an old country boy from Chipley, Fl., and when you listen to him, his accent and story telling reminds you of a young Andy Griffith. And ...

I have roto-tilled and flattened my back yard, what are some of the further things I should be doing to ensure my seed lawn looks perfect for open house? What are some tips before I lay the seed for an enduring, quali...

Hi everyone! Just curious if anyone has suggestions for landscaping/curb appeal for flips in winter.
I'm looking at a house that has ZERO landscaping, front or back - it really stands out badly with all neighbors ...

I had some trees removed and the stumps ground up, so now I've got bare ground. I'm thinking of seeding it but wonder if it will take. The weather is cooling off...
Thank you,

Above picture is the after
Above picture is the beforeI bought a small sfr pictured above in which I prioritized rehabbing the inside first so it’s livable, which took a couple months but now complete. I recently...

I bought some seeds from whole foods to plant for my garden for a property not too far from whole foods in the Capital of Alabama; I became interested in Real Estate in an area around whole foods. How ironic that I wa...

Hi All- I'm under contract on my first higher end flip, in Grass Valley CA. Currently the majority of the 1/2 acre, the moderately sloping back yard, is covered in blackberry bushes, in some spots up to head heig...

I have heard of farmers trying to maximize the value of their land by using high end Monsanto seeds. Considering how low agricultural land can be valued, what other methods of increasing land value can be used?

We've recently closed on a SFH in Royal Oak, MI that we intend to keep as a buy and hold. The house was in pretty good shape - fresh paint and carpet, new kitchen with granite counter tops, and new windows. I would ...