South West Michigan and North West Indiana is often referred to as "the Michiana Area," so if you have ever used that expression I want to know you. We're speaking the same language and understand the scale of market ...
Has anyone used a service provided by the U.S Postal Service called Every Door DirectMail?
If so how effective was it?
BP Community I recently purchased a rental property in the town I grew up in and I am having trouble with the neighbors. I know this area pretty well and I would consider this area a B class neighborhood, not the bes...
This question is for buy and hold investors. My investment plan is to buy the right properties and hold them forever. For me, it's not about quantity and number of deals, but about quality and getting my few propertie...
I'm all for gun ownership, I own several myself, but do we have any responsibility to inform authorities of those you are clearly having mental stresses or conditions that could lead to the Batman shooting this mornin...
I bought my first investment property in the US with an investment partner, but I did so with a conventional mortgage. I am the only one on the mortgage documents and title to the home. While I'm the only one on the l...