I hope you enjoy this iconoclastic and nonpartisan perspective. Please do not comment on political issues as this is simply a comparison between performance of investment strategies related to Trump. Additionally, t...

i must admit upfront, i hate social media. i was the last person i know to get a cell phone, the last to get a smart phone, the last to sign up for facebook, twitter, linkedin...fortunately, i never did set up a m...

I thought I would post this link, think this is a very interesting article on the state of the US economy positive.https://gordcollins.com/economy/us-update-predicti...So in essence the article its pretty much saying ...

The 2024 presidential election presents two distinct visions for America's housing market. Historical data shows housing prices have averaged 4.84% growth during election years since 1987, but the specific policies of...

Did Donald trump just got rid of the FHA. I been looking for my first house and I was going to use this program which I believe gives me like 7k for closing cost and some other stuff. Can someone tell me what the mone...

I know that anytime Trump's name is mentioned, someone gets triggered. Either the post is too anti-Trump, or too Pro-Trump.
Let me be clear - I do not condemn Trump's policies or necessarily know whether they will b...

Now that we will be having a new president soon, i came across an article from marketwatch about the new real estate taxes.

No. 1 Social Media Site for Salespeople …Daily Real Estate News | Wednesday, May 27, 2015 Twitter has become the No. 1 social media site that salespeople use to garner business, according to research by...
Hello Awesome BP Community,I am trying to get a first hand, clearer picture from this knowledgeable group regarding the what I consider overblown news following the US election in that many Americans are looking to mo...

I am reading headlines about the market plunging worldwide due to the likelihood of a Trump win. What could this mean for real estate? Is anyone holding off on buying until things settle down a bit? Any reason to b...