Does anyone know any of any links to quantitative papers written on Arizona’s water supply? Flagstaff this year hasn’t gotten any snow. They’re building like crazy in Phoenix. Last year lake Mead was only a couple inc...
We had a recent repipe done by not a great contractor (not my choice, long story). They failed to strap the pipes so now there is major rattling and pipe contraction noise in the walls where there didn't use to be. ...

Looking to buy a piece of land that is zoned for R2 but only has enough water supply efficient enough for 1 duplex. The land has already been approved for 2 duplex builds. What can I expect to pay (ball park) to have ...

Ran into a first today. I’ve had this tenant that I already plan on not renewing with, but my city called today needing access to the building (4 unit) to turn off water. I’m in Ohio and it looks like Ohio law states ...

I have a question as a new three family house owner. Previously, water heater issues arose so rarely in a single family house, but now it will come up more often so I need to learn.Is it best for me to buy the water...

I am looking to see if anyone has experience in their rental properties containing lead supply lines from the street before the water meter. I am purchasing a duplex in New Rochelle, NY and while having an inspection ...

Hi All,We got an email this morning from a tenant who ran into the water supply main for the building with his car last night. Water is off on the building now and we have called a plumber and arranged for it to be f...

I searched but didn't find any specific referrals. Just posts that say get a lot of quotes because they can vary considerably.Need to replace a supply line from the main to the house. Luckily the main is on my side of...

I’m looking at a 54k asking home. 1950 and 895 sqft unfinished basement. I want to buy and hack. But in the area it’s possible the water freezes in the winter. Thoughts? Is it worth drilling a well if I get it off the...

Hello My Fellow Landlords,Today's quiiiiiiick tip! comes courtesy of my expensive lesson of the day.Ready? Here it is. Water supply hoses on toilets are considered a "wear and tear item" and should be replaced every f...