Hi guys,
does anybody have any suggestions for any online presentation creators for a YouTube Video?

Any YouTube channel recommendations for wholesaling? I'm currently watching all of Neva Williamson's videos.

Does biggerpockets.com have a YouTube channel?

Hi, I'm pretty handy with my hands and I enjoy working with my hands. At the moment I don't have any technical skills but I am looking to get better. I am wondering if anyone uses youtube to guide them to do fixes o...

Are any of you guys marketing your properties via Youtube?
I know this kind of thing has been done before, I've got a flip camera and was going to make a short video of my next property and upload it to youtube, just...
What is the steps in making a YouTube video?

Hello Bigger Pocket's community, I am always on the lookout of ways that I can network with other, high performance individuals in the real estate business. In about 1.5 weeks, my first flip should be completed a...

How many people have business YouTube channels? Has it increased your SEO visibility? Led to any deals?I just started one and am open to suggestions in terms of material to post or the best way to utilize YouTube.

Curious to know how many of you use YouTube for marketing your company/opportunities/properties, HOW, and what kind of return you are seeing as a result?I just posted my very first one, not sure how it will be receive...

Does anyone know if or how you can make a private youtube channel, or any other sites on the web where I can upload video's of my family that I can set up to where only people who we invite can gain access?
My wife a...