I stopped getting the blog post articles in my email. I have checked to see if they were going into Spam folder but that is not the case. Help. I really enjoy reading them and getting educated. Thanks, Charlie
I'm curious if there have been some changes to the blog area lately. I just posted on my blog and it come up in my blog but doesn't post as a recent posting.
Is there a review process now. Also I noticed when I upl...

how do i decide which to post on? what are the advantages and disadvantages of blog versus forum? Under what intentions would I choose one over the other: when I want to share content- blog? when i have question...

Hello BP!!With all the great blog post, is there a way to save a blog to your account?

Is there a way to bookmark blog posts on BP to be able to review them again in the future. I find myself reading articles that I like and having to copy the url and emailing it to myself. If this feature doesn't exist...

I am trying to write a blog post but it says I am only allowed 150 characters. Do I have to have the pro account to actually write blogs? 150 characters is like a short paragraph...lol

Hi BP Staff and Community!I've read a ton of great content on the BP blogs, and I find myself with a big list bookmarked articles I'd like to "favourite". While I can subscribe to some blogs, I'm wondering if there's ...

It appears that someone only needs to create a "draft" of a blog post and not an actual blog post, in order to increase their rank on the "top posters" area on the "Member Blogs" section. Is this correct?

When I go to write a blog post in Firefox 23.0.1, the entry area is squished on the right side of the screen. I can still write the post, but it's harder to enter. It's been like this for a while. Can this get fi...

I've been looking into getting more involved with Bigger Pockets. What's the difference between articles and blog posts? Are they the same? If they are different, how much time/effort do you dedicate to each within...