What do you guys think of my business model
Our Business Description
We buy mobile home parks and mobile homes to fill the need for afford...

Hello BP, I'm looking for a day to day business model that can help be with my Wholesale business so I can be more organized. Can anyone refer me to something or someone that can guide me so I can have a formula?

What is the best way to set up a business through pursching properties?

As I am just starting out, I wanted to get some opinions on my business model. Although I initially want to do as much wholesaling as possible to build capital, I don't want to be a one trick pony. When I make c...

I am torn in how to start (not to be confused with analysis paralysis, well maybe a little) Input is welcome on these lines of thought:1. Should I seek the nicer areas of town to buy single family rentals and keep the...

I am unsure if this is the right place to post, as this is my first post, but I wanted to know if anyone knows how www.settled.co and similar companies earn money. I understand they sign a long-term master le...

I would appreciate some collective thoughts concerning my proposed business model. At times it help me to get clarification if I feel I'm getting too close to the trees not to see the forest properly so to speak. So...

Hello Beautiful People! I am have been running this idea through my head for a couple weeks now, and I want to confirm that it is something I can actually do.I love the idea of a lease with the option to buy. I can se...

Hey guys, i have a few questions.. is it important to have a website and things for others to have something to look up when dealing with you? want to kick my business up but trying to see whats the best model to go a...

Does anyone care to share a business model that they have proven to be effective? I am in the process of creating a system that can that allow anybody to step into a role and operate my business. I am looking to imple...