How Do You Normally Charge for Maintenance Trip Charges?

Hi everyone.
This is regarding a Canadian property and Canadian lender. The lender gave me 2 options:
1) Standard Charge: I pay it off over the years per usual
2) Collateral Charge: the registered amount does not r...

I've created an LLC that is renting out room to government employees on temporary duties, and they pay via their government travel cards. I was planning to charge them via Stripe, but the charges were blocked by the b...

Hello. Would anyone know why the sewer charge is twice the water charge? It is 10 fam property w 2 commercial stores. This is located in Northern Jersey.

Hey all,I'm buying my first personal residence in Houston and the company said if I use their mortgage broker there will be a 4000 closing credit. send me the prequalification letter with the following origination cha...

Can anybody tell me what the normal fee would be for a referral? As in, if a cash buyer has a certain criteria and I find it for him. Do I hand that info over to him and expect to get paid from that?
I have been doing...

I have a question about damage and if I would be able to charge tenant. They have double pane window that someone threw a rock at and broke the outside pane. Unable to determine if it was the recent ex boyfriend that ...

Quick question guys,
We had a lady move out of a unit with no notice, and someone else moved in. This person has no interest in paying rent. Knowing that we have to go through the month long eviction process, is it p...

1) Standard late fee charge & daily fees
2) For section 8 when the Tennant pays very little of the total rent (but never actually pays) eviction time?? Or keep track and deduct from deposit

Hello,Going to start renting out my first property very soon. I am dotting the I's and crossing the T's to get ready.I was wondering, is it legal to charge tenants a "maintenance charge" (obviously I would write this ...