Struggling to find a quality book about apartment financing that is relevant to today's market. Everything I have found is dated. Anyone have suggestions?

I had someone bring up an interesting business plan after my recent trouble with purchasing a HOA lien that was thought to be a first mortgage. The idea would be to purchase HOA Liens and then rent the property out ti...

My Take on Every Thread in the Wholesaling Forum
1. Newbie with no Capital want to “begin real estate investing” by wholesaling
2. Current “wholesalers” offer encouragement, general advice, etc.
3. Real Estate Br...

Sorry in advance for a long post; I want to write a detailed post on how I got started in RE investing a few years ago, the lessons I learned along the way, and why I'm thinking about stopping now. I want to be as spe...

has anyone looked into this? It claims to be a college on how to become a real estate investor from the best arpund. There are diferent courses the offer finacial aid and give you access to online classes or you ca...

Hey, guys!I've been on BP for about 7 months now and I have quickly learned two things:There is no better place than BP to talk real estateThe wealth of information on BP is immeasurableI've read and learned quite a l...