When I first got started in the business, I would leave the closing table with a nice handshake and a friendly thank you to my customer for selling me their house. To this day I still kick myself for letting all those...

We have had a good year and have had unsolicited testimonials from residents, commercial tenants and PM clients. Here are a few questions I have related to this:1. What is the best way to ask or receive testimonials...
What should i write about myself? I was going to have some of my friends write testimonials about me as well, and was even going to write it for them.What can i write though?I used to have real estate Agent experienc...

Input sought on creating a website and optimizing online marketing! I'm that newbie choosing between websites and liking what I see so far from Lead Propeller. I was initially looking at the free and premium websites...

Hi y’all , I was listening to a bigger pockets podcast episode and they mentioned Awning a tela estate investment company. Has anyone here worked with them? And if so, what are your thoughts and experience?

A valuable, but little known feature of BiggerPockets.com is the ability to request Professional Trade References or Testimonials from your colleagues.
As you can see from the image below, whi...

I have been thinking about new ways that I can reach potential sellers, and Facebook seems like a logical choice. I have experience in running Ads on the platform, although not for real estate. I also know how to buil...

I'm trying to run a facebook ad seeking motivated sellers using a list with facebook custom audiences, but it's not working so far. Can anyone help?I have a list of about 500 sellers. I submit seller name, seller's ci...

What strategies have other successful flippers used to overcome the bad
reputations that flippers tend to have? We encourage buyers to check
with the inspector's office to make sure that permits were pulled and

I am a big fan of internet innovations and am constantly seeking to try the new thing, after having missed the boat on bitcoin, I really want to keep up with the current new inventions regarding our favorite industry,...