I have a tenant who owes me a lot of rent and did not leave a forwarding address when he left (surprise, surprise). If I find him and get a judgment against him, can I use a debt collection service to collect? Has a...

so my client's tenant is about to be moved out by an execution. The judgement has about $3900 owe to the landlord. I have 2 questions:
1. per the lease, tenant is responsible for legal fee if the issue is raised by ...

Hey guys, Fortunately, new to needing a collection agency for tenant damages.Any advice would be amazing. Do we hire local? Are we better with a national company?The damages were $3,600Any companies that you would s...

My tenant left without forwarding address and completely trashed the place. I put in several thousands to fix the place. Now I need help recovering the money.I will appreciate it if you can recommend some effective de...

I have a stipulated judgement against a former tenant who is in breach. Can anyone recommend a good debt collection attorney in los angeles area? Thanks

Hi -Am I able to enter the defaulted rent amount on a tenant's credit even though we entered into an agreement in court?I filed an eviction in the Philadelphia court system against my tenants. The eviction was resolv...

I was awarded judgement in my favor on a remodel gone wrong by small claims court in Central Texas. It has gone uncollected since there is nothing for me to go after without pursuing legal help. I received a letter to...

Hello, On Thursday, October 9, NPR's "Fresh Air", hosted by Teri Gross will air a compelling program about the above. Summary: The underworld of consumer debt collection and the unregulated collectors who buy and ...

Let's talk about debt collection. It's a prevalent topic now more than ever because many states are letting tenants stay in our investment properties for free and taking away the landlord's right to evict.
I've notic...

I have several tenants, both current and past, that I wish to turn over to a debt collection firm.
Any recommendations for effective agents in Baltimore, Maryland