Can I ethically use end buyers deposit to create wholesale property deal ? :help:

New landlord here A little confused as far as where to put the deposit money from tenant , it seems that I cannot just put it to the business checking account it need to be some account that earns interest . What find...

I'm about to purchase my first deal, a multifamily quad. There are a couple tenants living there now which means I will be receiving their deposit money. My question is, do I need to keep that deposit money in a tru...
What is the percent deposit for escrow account,They are asking me for 3.5% is that normal?

When dealing with REOS, what are some ways a wholesaler can get around having to front deposit money on the offer to the bank before they assign the contract?

I'm new to Wholesaling, and marketing has completely broken me financially. Is there any way of not placing a deposit down on a potential deal? I try to secure motivated sellers who own properties free and clear, and ...
When you are putting an offer in on a bank owned or foreclosure property what is the amount you should put for your EMD. I plan on having hard money and don't have a lot as I am just starting out.Thank you in advance.

Hello BP friends... A quick question:
Do we always need a earnest money deposit "EMD" in a wholesale transaction?

ב"הhello.can someone refer me to a company that provides earnest money deposits for large transactions? we would need to have 20,000$ EMD.regards

ב"הב"הdoes anyone know a company that can provide 10k+ earnest money deposits?