Everyone is always asking what is best area to invest in . Long term, I have the answer for all to see. How do I scan and send a photo? Thanks. Non-techie Rich in FL.

I need help and advice... I would like to build (for my own thought-leadership platform) a WordPress site from scratch. I’m pretty sure I can do it myself, but I want to know which theme templates have the most to off...
I own a small business where I sell paintings via auction houses & eBay and making about 1000 -2000 $ per month.But since 2 years I started my little digital agency for restaurants. Which made me about 500 $ per...

Life is too short to not have a little fun!
Me (don't worry I'll keep it short and sweet!):
Glassblowing (well, actually flameworking), here I use a propane / oxygen / compressed air mix and a German torch to heat u...

Postlets.com - they have a free version (that is all you need for start.) You can post all your properties and they make a Gallery page for you where you can customize the header and put your contact information, if y...

Here's a bit about me.
As CFO for a multiple fast food franchisee, I had my first exposure to the world of real estate while participating in the evaluation of sites for future restaurants. It didn’t take long for...

Hello,I am new to real estate investment and went to lots of free webinars and got confused about whom I should go for initial coaching/consultation.Any suggestions?

Is anyone familiar with Louisville's Portland Investment Initiative led by Gill Holland? Anyone Investing or have any thoughts?http://www.bizjournals.com/louisville/blog/2013/10...http://wfpl.org/post/change-coming-l...

It become very clear lately that I need to have a digital camera to take interior photos with - beyond a smartphone- that I can then download and send to potential buyers.
I'm would like to know what digital cameras...