I know that applicants who have a service animal are exempted from any no-pets policies and fees/extra charges.
However, what does the law say about emotional support animals? Are applicants who own them protected b...

So I have seen this meme going around Facebook for sometime and I have tried researching myself but can not come up with anything solid. So BP is there any merit in this or is this another misleading Facebook post?

We built our rentals on land in Kyle, TX that belongs to my parents - they have other rental homes on it as well - and my parents do not allow pit bulls or pit bull mixes on the property. It's just such a risk. I l...

A friend of mine living in Utah is trying to get an emotional support animal, but her landlord is having issues. Besides being provided with letters from her doctor and psychologist for the need for the animal, he is...

Hi, all! I asked my lawyer about service and emotional support animals. This is what he said regarding fair housing.If an applicant or tenant wants to have a service animal or emotional support animal, the tenant must...

I'm reading a lot about tenants and prospective tenants trying to skirt around "no pet" leases / rentals by claiming that they have "support animals" ..
I am in Virginia and wondering if anyone is familiar with how ...

Has anyone dealt with a certified service dog situation in a non-pet property? I have a potential tenant coming to look at an apartment that typically does not allow pets. I know there are a lot of laws protecting ser...

Per this Tulsa World article: HB3282, by Rep. Chris Kannady, R-Oklahoma City and Sen. Kimberly David, R-PorterThe bill defines the term "assistance animal" to mean an animal that works, provides assistance or performs...
so most of us here, already privvy to the many pet vs service/support animal posts, know by now that true service/support animals are not just pets. they are disability assistance animals that are differentiated from...

Hello,I was wondering if any of you have had a situation like this arise. I own a college rental property with 6 students renting for a yearly lease. They came to us as a group of 6 and signed the lease without ever d...