Hello everyone, I have just recently started a discord server for real estate agents or to be agents. If you have never used or heard of discord it is a platform which allows people to create communities with text, vo...

Hello everyone! Is there an existing Chicago real estate discord group I could join? If not, would anyone be interested in joining one if it was created? Feel free to reach out if you don't know what I'm talking about.

Just throwing a shot out there…. Is there a Real Estate Discord that other Investors/Agents/Etc use to communicate with each other? Definitely not trying to take away from this platform but I do think that a discord h...

I am using privy and am really enjoying it. I want to hone my comping skills and master the privy tool as much as possible. I was curious if anyone knew of a discord or a group where privy members might interact.

Have any of you heard of Joe Reilly (Enterprises Elite)? He runs a Discord where investors can collaborate and partner, and their jusiness model is if you send them a deal, they will find a buyer for you and JV 50/50....

Just wondering if a Discord channel was ever created for Bigger Pockets. I saw that it was brought up in another post, but nothing ever came of it. I think it's a phenomenal way for people to get quick help and maybe...

Hey I’m 17, living in the US and I’m trying to learn about real estate investing, what are the steps in this business, what’s the best way to go about it and I think a discord would be really helpful for me to underst...

Sorry if this is a silly question, but has anyone heard of Scale kit (fix and flip automated) funding and have any thoughts on if it is a good investment or not? Website: scalekitfunding.com (not the marketing compan...

All,I am setting up a RE group with some friends in the Bay Area/Napa/Sacramento. What group chat/group video options do you recommend? Just stick with google? Discord? Teams? What is the easiest way to stay in contac...