For the purposes of rental property management, a "broker's license" is required in the state of Tennessee.Question: Is a "broker affiliate" (or "...Associate" I think is the term in other states) license the same as ...

Hello everyone, how can I find a good attorney?

In the commercial mortgage space we have found that NPN investments can be divided between
(1) purchasing NPNs in which we’ve had no or minimal contact with the borrower, and
(2) purchasing NPNs in which we’ve worke...

I've heard a lot of closing terms that are quite confusing to distinguish.
For example, simultaneous closing, back-to-back closing, double closing (I think it's doing 2 separate closing, one between AB, and an...

Hello NJ,I made a post about possibly moving out of NYC and over to NJ via house hacking. It seems thw idea is picking up steam. Before I go speak to a bank; I'd like to get an understanding of some of the areas near ...

Hey everyone. I'm trying to come up with a list of reasons why more military members should be investing in real estate and would love your input. I'm specifically looking for distinct advantages, attributes, or point...

So we had another thread about securities definitions earlier today and there was some good discussion there. The point was made that management was the key concern for something to keep from being deemed a security ...
A friend and I have an LLC that owns multiple properties and for several reasons we would like to split the LLC into 2 LLC’s and each own one. We would like to split the homes and both have separate LLC’s moving forwa...

Hello All! Glad to be a part of this forum. I am starting out in real estate investing, and I have a question about something I read in a book.
I am trying to decide whether I need a real estate broker or agent.

Hi Everyone. I'm a newbie with a question that I've been grappling with. I've got the feeling that that there is a distinction between hard money lenders and private money lenders. But I can't seem to put my...