Hello all,
I am thinking of starting to invest in commercial real estate. That being said, what is the biggest drawbacks/challenges that CRE owners have to face?

I bought my house with a VA loan and didn't have to pay a down payment. Due to that, I completely forgot about down payments (oops). I read on one of the other posts that hard money loans typically ask for 10% down pa...

I’m really interested in buying properties for the sole purpose of listing on AirBnB. The area I’m in is busting at the seams with vacationers and it looks like AirBnB is the best way to go. What are the drawbacks I a...

Hello Investors,I'm new and looking into Note investing. I don't have much cash (like $500-$700 in the bank) but need to get started soon to help pay down debt. Most of my extra cash is being spent on debt. I found a ...
The thought of wholesaling is enticing to me as a newbie. This I feel would be my strategy to get started in REI but I haven't closed a deal yet as I am still educating myself on the basics and are somewhat still con...

Thinking of using a master lease option for my second deal. What is the main drawback to this method? Any big no nos when talking to potential sellers and owners?

I’m currently working with a lender on a Portfolio loan for my 2nd STR. Rate is great (considering market) with 15% down 30yr fixed on an investment property.
I’m not too familiar with these types of loans and it ap...

I understand that creating a fund is expensive (mid 5 figures) and subject to SEC regulation. What are the issues beyond that? An experienced investor started to tell us at the last REIA about how there is significant...

Hello all! Fairly new member (officially a couple weeks now)
I can’t find it now but I know for certain it said section 4 (hadn’t just dreamed it up)
I’ve been investigating this property for a small while

I feel like I've read that you want to keep vacation rentals under 30 days, but I can recall the reason why. I've got a two month inquiry and wanted to see what the BP community thought. Are there any reasons why?